
*Advanced Eucalyptus Setup [#tb3bdf87]


A Eucalyptus setup consists of a number of web services components -- The Cloud Controller (CLC), Walrus, Storage Controller (SC), Cluster Controller (CC) and the Node Controller (NC). In a single cluster setup, all front end web services (all services except the NCs) run on a single physical host. In a more advanced configuration, you can choose to run the CLC, Walrus, SC and CC on a separate physical machines, or you can combine them as you see fit. For example, one reason to separate Eucalyptus components is to improve the overall performance of the system by distributing different types of work (i.e. place Walrus on a machine that has a fast disk subsystem, while the CLC can be placed on another machine with a fast CPU).

In addition, in a multi-cluster setup, you may configure more than one cluster with Eucalyptus, either for performance or management purposes. This guide briefly describe multi-component and multi-cluster setups. In a multi-cluster installation, there must be a single Cloud Controller, a single Walrus, one Cluster Controller and Storage Controller pair per cluster, and one or more Node Controllers grouped within each cluster, as illustrated in the adjacent figure.

We assume that you familiar and comfortable with single cluster Eucalyptus installation, configuration, management and usage before proceeding to more advanced configurations. We also assume that you are able to install individual Eucalyptus components on the distribution and architecture of your choice. Please refer to the previous installation sections of the Administrator's Guide for information regarding distribution specific installation methods, package names, dependencies, etc.

Multi-component and Multi-cluster Setup
A Eucalyptus installation consists of five components: A Cloud Controller (CLC), Walrus, one or more Cluster Controller (CC) and Storage Controller (SC) pairs, and one or more Node Controllers (NC). Once you have the components installed on your physical hosts, using the topology of your choice, you're ready to enable the services and stitch together your Eucalyptus cloud by 'registering' the components with one another.

Enabling services
If you installed Eucalyptus from source and rsynced the build to your physical hosts, you will need to explicitly enable or disable the services that you wish to run (all are disabled by default). This can be done by running

$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf {--enable,--disable} cloud

$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf {--enable,--disable} walrus

$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf {--enable,--disable} sc
to enable and disable the CLC, Walrus and SC respectively. CLC, Walrus and SC execution and termination is controlled using the same script, "$EUCALYPTUS/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cloud {start,stop,restart}"

The CC is controlled using "$EUCALYPTUS/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc {start,stop,restart,cleanstart,cleanstop,cleanrestart}"

If you have installed from packages, service enabling is done during package install, and service startup may have been done depending on your packaging method. If you install multiple services on the same host, but do not wish to enable them all, you can "--disable" the service, followed by a 'restart' of 'eucalyptus-cloud'.

After the services are up and running, you'll need to stitch together your Eucalyptus cloud by registering them, so that they can start to communicate with one another.

Registering Services
First, you will need to inform the Cloud Controller (CLC) the location of Walrus. To do this, run the following command on the CLC host.

$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-walrus <Walrus IP address>
where "Walrus IP address" is the IP address of the host on which you have installed Walrus. In case your host has multiple IP addresses, pick the one that is visible from the CLC and clients, and note that 'localhost' or '127.*.*.*' are not valid Walrus endpoint addresses, even if your Walrus service is running on the same host as your CLC.

Next, you will need to register a Cluster Controller (CC) and a Storage Controller (SC) with the CLC. There is one CC/SC pair per cluster.

To do so, run the following commands on the CLC host,

$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-cluster <clustername> <CC IP address> 
$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-sc <clustername> <SC IP address> 

where "CC IP address" and "SC IP address" are IP addresses of the CC host and the SC host respectively and "clustername" is the name you want to use for your cluster. Again, note that 'localhost' and '127.*.*.*' addresses are invalid.

If you are installing the Cloud Controller (CLC), Cluster Controller (CC), Walrus and the Storage Controller (SC) on same machine, the IP address above will be the same in all steps.

If you setting up multiple clusters, you will need to install a CC and SC per cluster and you will need to run the above "--register-cluster" and "--register-sc" commands for each cluster.

If you are setting up multiple clusters, the networking options on each CC must be identical with the exception of VNET_PUBLICIPS, which may be set to CC specific values. In addition, if you are running in MANAGED-NOVLAN networking mode, then each CC's VNET_PRIVINTERFACE must be set to a valid bridge that is configured and running properly before the Eucalyptus CCs are started.

Finally, you need to register nodes with the CC. To do so, run the following command on the CC host

$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-nodes "<Node0 IP address> <Node1 IP address> ... <NodeN IP address>" 

where "<NodeX IP address>" is the IP address of a host that is running a Node Controller (NC).

In a multi-cluster setup, you will need to run this command on each CC in your setup.

At this point, you have successfully registered Eucalyptus components and you are ready to proceed to configuration.

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