
Installing Eucalyptus (1.6) on Debian "squeeze"

Eucalyptus can be installed on Debian squeeze using binary DEB packages. Squeeze has not been released yet, so things can change quickly and without warning.

Download DEBs Eucalyptus binary installation is broken up into several packages: one for each of the components (CLC, Walrus, CC, etc.), as well as a couple of common packages. To install them, along with a significant number of dependencies, add our repository to the list of repositories for your system to use. To do so, add somewhere in /etc/apt/sources.list file the following line:

For 1.6.1:

deb squeeze contrib For 1.6.2 (including release candidates):

deb squeeze main And then run:

apt-get update After installation you may remove the entry from sources.list if you don't want to update Eucalyptus packages automatically.

Prerequisites If you start with a standard Debian squeeze installation, you will satisfy all Eucalyptus prerequisites with the following steps:

Synchronize clocks (e.g., using NTP: ntpdate across all Eucalyptus machines and client machines. If using a firewall, permit the Eucalyptus components to communicate with one another, and permit clients to communicate with Eucalyptus. NOTE: on the front-end, ports 8443, 8773, 8774 and 9001 must be open. On the node, port 8775 must be open. Ensure that locales are properly configured (use dpkg-reconfigure locales). Install libvirt/qemu-kvm and configure it to run as user 'eucalyptus': sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin qemu-kvm

# set the field user to be: user = "eucalyptus" sudo vi /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

# restart libvirt sudo /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart If running in SYSTEM networking mode, which is the default, your node machine(s) must be configured with a bridge as the primary interface. For example, you may try: sudo apt-get install bridge-utils sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces Comment out any entry for your existing interfaces (eth0, eth1, etc) and add a bridge entry with your interfaces attached. For example, to have your bridge come up with all physical Ethernet devices added to it, and have DHCP assign an address to the bridge, use:

auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp

     bridge_ports all

For a static configuration with just eth0 attached (substitute your actual network parameters):

auto br0 iface br0 inet static

     dns-search foobar
     bridge_ports eth0

Finally, restart the network by either by restarting the network with '/etc/init.d/network restart' or by rebooting the machine.

Install DEBs on the front end On front end, where cloud controller, Walrus, cluster controller, and storage controller will run, install the appropriate DEBs:

aptitude install eucalyptus-common eucalyptus-cloud eucalyptus-walrus eucalyptus-sc eucalyptus-cc Install DEBs on the nodes On the compute nodes, install the node-controller DEB:

aptitude install eucalyptus-nc (You may safely ignore the error adduser: The group 'libvirtd' does not exist.)

« Installing Eucalyptus (1.6) on openSUSE 11UPInstalling Eucalyptus (1.6.1) on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) »

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